Source code for yoda_powers.display.display

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Modules
# Python modules
from ..toolbox import sort_human

# Functions

[docs]def dict_2_txt(dico, sep="\t"): """ Function that takes a dictionary and returns a string with separator: Arguments: dico (:class:`dict`): the python dict to translate to formated string. sep (:class:`str`): the separator for join . Defaults to '\\t'. Returns: str: formated dict to string Examples: >>> dico = {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3"} >>> dict_2_txt(dico) key1 value1 key2 value2 key3 value3 >>> dict_2_txt(dico, sep=";") key1;value1 key2;value2 key3;value3 Warning: if the value of the dict is list or dictionary, the display will be plain and without formatting data. """ return "\n".join([f"{key}{sep}{dico[key]}" for key in sorted(dico.keys(), key=sort_human)])
[docs]def dict_dict_2_txt(dico, first="Info", sep="\t"): """ Function that takes a dictionary and returns a tabular string with: Arguments: dico (:obj:`dict`): the python dict to translate to formated string. first (:obj:`str`): the first column header name. Default to 'Info'. sep (:obj:`str`): the separator for join. Defaults to '\\t'. Returns: str: formated dict to string Examples: >>> dico = {"Souche1":{"NUM":"171","MIN":"2042","MAX":"3133578","N50 BP":"938544","N50 NUM":"11"}, "Souche2":{"NUM":"182","MIN":"5004","MAX":"74254","N50 BP":"45245"}} >>> dict_dict_2_txt(dico,"souches") souches NUM MIN MAX N50 BP N50 NUM Souche1 171 2042 3133578 938544 11 Souche2 182 5004 74254 45245 None """ txt_output = f'{first}{sep}{sep.join(list(dico.values())[0].keys())}\n' for row_name in sorted(dico.keys(), key=sort_human): value = sep.join([str(dico[row_name][key2]) if key2 in dico[row_name].keys() else "None" for key2 in list(dico.values())[0].keys()]) txt_output += f"{row_name}{sep}{value}\n" return txt_output
[docs]def dict_list_2_txt(dico, sep="\t"): """ Function that takes a dictionary of list and returns a tabular string with: Arguments: dico (:obj:`dict`): the python dict to translate to formated string. sep (:obj:`str`): the separator for join . Defaults to '\\t'. Returns: str: formated dict to string Examples: >>> dico = {"key1":["value1","value1"], "key2":["value2","value2"],"key3":["value3","value3"]} >>> dict_list_2_txt(dico) key1 value1 value1 key2 value2 value2 key3 value3 value3 """ txt_output = "" for key in sorted(dico.keys(), key=sort_human): txt_output += f"{key}{sep}{sep.join(sorted(dico[key], key=sort_human))}\n" return txt_output