Source code for yoda_powers.toolbox.toolbox

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Modules
# Python modules
from pathlib import PosixPath, Path
from datetime import datetime
import sys

# Functions

[docs]def welcome_args(version_arg, parser_arg): """ use this Decorator to add information to scripts with arguments Args: version_arg: the program version parser_arg: the function which return :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` Returns: None: Notes: use at main() decorator for script with :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` Examples: >>> from yoda_powers.toolbox import welcome_args >>> @welcome_args(version, build_parser()) >>> def main(): >>> # some code >>> main() >>> ################################################################################ >>> # prog_name and version # >>> ################################################################################ >>> Start time: 16-09-2020 at 14:39:02 >>> Commande line run: ./ -l mummer/GUY0011.pp1.fasta.PH0014.pp1.fasta.mum >>> >>> - Intput Info: >>> - debug: False >>> - plot: False >>> - scaff_min: 1000000 >>> - fragments_min: 5000 >>> - csv_file: blabla >>> PROGRAMME CODE HERE >>> Stop time: 16-09-2020 at 14:39:02 Run time: 0:00:00.139732 >>> ################################################################################ >>> # End of execution # >>> ################################################################################ """ def welcome(func): def wrapper(): start_time = parser = parser_arg version = version_arg parse_args = parser.parse_args() # Welcome message print( f"""{"#" * 80}\n#{Path(parser.prog).stem + " " + version:^78}#\n{"#" * 80}\nStart time: {start_time:%d-%m-%Y at %H:%M:%S}\nCommande line run: {" ".join(sys.argv)}\n""") # resume to user print(" - Intput Info:") for k, v in vars(parse_args).items(): print(f"\t - {k}: {v}") print("\n") func() print( f"""\nStop time: { at %H:%M:%S}\tRun time: { - start_time}\n{"#" * 80}\n#{'End of execution':^78}#\n{"#" * 80}""") return wrapper return welcome
[docs]def compare_list(list1, list2): """ Function to compare two list and return common, uniq1 and uniq2 Arguments: list1 (list): the first python :class:`list` list2 (list): the second python :class:`list` Returns: list: common, u1, u2 common: the common elements of the 2 list, u1: uniq to list1, u2: uniq to list2 Notes: ens1 = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])\n ens2 = set([2, 3, 4])\n ens3 = set([6, 7, 8, 9])\n print(ens1 & ens2) set([2, 3, 4]) car ce sont les seuls à être en même temps dans ens1 et ens2\n print(ens1 | ens3) set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), les deux réunis\n print(ens1 & ens3) set([6]), même raison que deux lignes au dessus\n print(ens1 ^ ens3) set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]), l'union moins les éléments communs\n print(ens1 - ens2) set([1, 5, 6]), on enlève les éléments de ens2 Examples: >>> l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> l2 = [6, 7, 8, 9] >>> com, u1, u2 = compare_list(l1, l2) >>> print(com) [6] >>> print(u1) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> print(u2) [7, 8, 9] """ ens1 = set(list1) ens2 = set(list2) common = list(ens1 & ens2) uniq1 = list(ens1 - ens2) uniq2 = list(ens2 - ens1) return sorted(common, key=sort_human), sorted(uniq1, key=sort_human), sorted(uniq2, key=sort_human)
[docs]def existant_file(path): """ 'Type' for argparse - checks that file exists and return the absolute path as PosixPath() with pathlib Notes: function need modules: - pathlib - argparse Arguments: path (str): a path to existent file Returns: :class:`PosixPath`: ``Path(path).resolve()`` Raises: ArgumentTypeError: If file `path` does not exist. ArgumentTypeError: If `path` is not a valid file. Examples: >>> import argparse >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description='''This is demo''') >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', metavar="<path/to/file>",type=existant_file, required=True, dest='path_file', help='path to file') """ from argparse import ArgumentTypeError from pathlib import Path if not Path(path).exists(): # Argparse uses the ArgumentTypeError to give a rejection message like: # error: argument input: x does not exist raise ArgumentTypeError(f'ERROR: file "{path}" does not exist') elif not Path(path).is_file(): raise ArgumentTypeError(f'ERROR: "{path}" is not a valid file') return Path(path).resolve()
[docs]def max_key_dict(dico): """ Function return the key of max value in dico values() Arguments: dico (:obj:`dict`): a python :class:`dict` Returns: str: key of the dict Example: >>> dico = {"A":0.5, "C":0.7, "T":0.01, "G":0.9} >>> key_max = max_key_dict(dico) >>> print(key_max) G """ return max(dico, key=dico.get)
[docs]def sort_human(in_list, _nsre=None): """ Sort a :class:`list` with alpha/digit on the way that humans expect,\n use list.sort(key=sort_human) or\n sorted(list, key=sort_human)). Arguments: in_list (:obj:`list`): a python :class:`list` _nsre (:obj:`re.compil`, optional): re expression use for compare , defaults re.compile('([0-9]+)' Returns: list: sorted with human sort number Example: >>> list_to_sorted = ["something1","something32","something17","something2","something29","something24"] >>> print(sorted(list_to_sorted, key=sort_human)) ['something1', 'something2', 'something17', 'something24', 'something29', 'something32'] >>> list_to_sorted.sort(key=sort_human) >>> print(list_to_sorted) ['something1', 'something2', 'something17', 'something24', 'something29', 'something32'] """ from warnings import warn import re if not _nsre: _nsre = re.compile('([0-9]+)') try: return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else f"{text}".lower() for text in re.split(_nsre, in_list)] except TypeError: if not isinstance(in_list, int): warn( f"Yoda_powers::sort_human : element '{in_list}' on the list not understand so don't sort this element\n", SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) return in_list
[docs]def readable_dir(prospective_dir): """ 'Type' for argparse - checks that directory exists and if readable, then return the absolute path as PosixPath() with pathlib Notes: function need modules: - pathlib - argparse Arguments: prospective_dir (str): a path to existent path Returns: :class:`PosixPath`: ``Path(path).resolve()`` Raises: ArgumentTypeError: If directory `path` does not exist. ArgumentTypeError: If `path` is not a valid directory. Examples: >>> import argparse >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description='''This is demo''') >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', metavar="<path/to/file>",type=readable_dir, required=True, dest='path_file', help='path to file') """ from argparse import ArgumentTypeError from pathlib import Path import os if not Path(prospective_dir).exists(): # Argparse uses the ArgumentTypeError to give a rejection message like: # error: argument input: x does not exist raise ArgumentTypeError(f'ERROR: directory "{prospective_dir}" does not exist') elif not Path(prospective_dir).is_dir(): raise ArgumentTypeError(f'ERROR: "{prospective_dir}" is not a valid directory') elif not os.access(prospective_dir, os.R_OK): raise ArgumentTypeError(f'ERROR: "{prospective_dir}" is not a readable dir') return Path(prospective_dir).resolve()
[docs]def replace_all(repls, str): """ Function that take a dictionnary and text variable and return text variable with replace 'Key' from dictionnary with 'Value'. :param repls: a python dictionary :type repls: dict() :param str: a string where remplace some words :type str: str() :rtype: str() :return: - txt with replace 'Key' of dictionnary with 'Value' in the input txt Example: >>> text = "i like apples, but pears scare me" >>> print(replace_all({"apple": "pear", "pear": "apple"}, text)) i like pears, but apples scare me """ import re return re.sub('|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in repls.keys()), lambda k: repls[], str)
[docs]def load_in_list(filename): """ Check file exist and create generator with no line break file can be a gzip file with '.gz' extension Notes: function need modules: - pathlib Arguments: filename (str): a path to existent file Yields: :class:`str`: generator of rows without line break Raises: FileNotFoundError: If file `filename` does not exist or not valide file Example: >>> rows = load_in_list("filename") >>> list(rows) ["i like pears, but apples scare me","i like apples, but pears scare me","End of file"] """ from pathlib import Path import gzip filename = Path(filename) if not filename.exists() or not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_list() file "{filename}" {"does not exist" if not filename.exists() else "is not a valid file"}') open_fn = if filename.suffix == ".gz" else open with open_fn(filename, "rt") as file_in: return (line.rstrip() for line in file_in.readlines())
[docs]def load_in_list_col(filename, col=0, sep="\t"): """ Check file exist and create generator with only selected column with no line break file can be a gzip file with '.gz' extension Arguments: filename (str): a path to existent file col (int, default): the selected column (python index). Default=0 sep (str, default): the string separator. Default="\t" Yields: :class:`str`: generator of rows without line break Raises: FileNotFoundError: If file `filename` does not exist or not valide file Example: >>> rows = load_in_list_col("filename", col=1, sep=";") >>> list(rows) ["i like pears, but apples scare me","i like apples, but pears scare me","End of file"] """ from pathlib import Path import gzip filename = Path(filename) if not filename.exists() or not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_list_col() file "{filename}" {"does not exist" if not filename.exists() else "is not a valid file"}') open_fn = if filename.suffix == ".gz" else open with open_fn(filename, "rt") as file_in: # yield from (line.rstrip().split(sep)[col] for line in file_in.readlines()) return (line.rstrip().split(sep)[col] for line in file_in.readlines())
[docs]def load_in_dict(filename, sep="\t"): """ Check file exist and return a :class:`dict` with load rows first column is the key and value are other column. File can be a gzip file with '.gz' extension. Arguments: filename (str): a path to existent file sep (str, default): the string separator. Default="\t" Returns: :class:`dict`: a python :class:`dict` of file Raises: FileNotFoundError: If file `filename` does not exist or not valid file Example: >>> dico = load_in_dict(filename) >>> dico { "col1",["col2","col3"], "indiv1",["valeurcol2","valeurcol3"], "indiv2",["valeurcol2","valeurcol3"] } """ from pathlib import Path import gzip filename = Path(filename) if not filename.exists() or not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_dict() file "{filename}" {"does not exist" if not filename.exists() else "is not a valid file"}') dico_out = {} open_fn = if filename.suffix == ".gz" else open with open_fn(filename, "rt") as file_in: for line in file_in: tab_line = line.rstrip().split(sep) if tab_line[0] not in dico_out.keys(): if len(tab_line[1:]) == 0: dico_out[tab_line[0]] = None elif len(tab_line[1:]) == 1: dico_out[tab_line[0]] = tab_line[1] else: dico_out[tab_line[0]] = tab_line[1:] return dico_out
[docs]def load_in_dict_selected(filename, column_key=0, column_value=1, sep="\t"): """ Check file exist and return a :class:`dict` with load rows first column is the key and value are other column. File can be a gzip file with '.gz' extension. Arguments: filename (str): a path to existent file column_key (int, default): the index for dict keys (python index). Default=0 column_value (int, default): the index for dict value (python index). Default=1 sep (str, default): the string separator. Default="\t" Returns: :class:`dict`: a python :class:`dict` of file Raises: FileNotFoundError: If file `filename` does not exist or not valid file IndexError: If missing data Example: >>> dico = load_in_dict(filename) >>> dico { "col1",["col2","col3"], "indiv1",["valeurcol2","valeurcol3"], "indiv2",["valeurcol2","valeurcol3"] } """ from pathlib import Path import gzip filename = Path(filename) if not filename.exists() or not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_dict() file "{filename}" {"does not exist" if not filename.exists() else "is not a valid file"}') dico_out = {} open_fn = if filename.suffix == ".gz" else open try: with open_fn(filename, "rt") as file_in: for num_line, line in enumerate(file_in): tab_line = line.rstrip().split(sep) if tab_line[column_key] not in dico_out.keys(): dico_out[tab_line[column_key]] = tab_line[column_value] except IndexError: raise IndexError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_dict_selected() please check line {num_line + 1}, no value for column {column_value + 1}') return dico_out
[docs]def load_in_dict_dict(filename, sep="\t"): """ Check file exist and return a :class:`dict` with load rows first column is the key and value are other column. File can be a gzip file with '.gz' extension. Arguments: filename (str): a path to existent file sep (str, default): the string separator. Default="\t" Returns: :class:`dict`: a python :class:`dict` of file Raises: FileNotFoundError: If file `filename` does not exist or not valid file IndexError: If missing data Example: >>> dico = load_in_dict_dict(filename) >>> dico { "indiv1",{"headerCol2":"toto","headerCol3":"tata"}, "indiv2",{"headerCol2":"tutu","headerCol3":"titi"}, "indiv3",{"headerCol2":"tete","headerCol3":"tyty"}, } """ from pathlib import Path import gzip from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict filename = Path(filename) if not filename.exists() or not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_dict_dict() file "{filename}" {"does not exist" if not filename.exists() else "is not a valid file"}') dico_out = defaultdict(OrderedDict) open_fn = if filename.suffix == ".gz" else open try: with open_fn(filename, "rt") as file_in: header = file_in.readline().rstrip().split(sep) for num_line, line in enumerate(file_in): tab_line = line.rstrip().split(sep) if tab_line[0] not in dico_out.keys(): for index, head in enumerate(header[1:]): dico_out[tab_line[0]][head] = tab_line[index + 1] except IndexError: raise IndexError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.load_in_dict_dict() please check line {num_line + 1}, no value for column {head}') return dico_out
################################################# # CLASS #################################################
[docs]class PrintCol: """ Classe qui ajoute des méthodes à print pour afficher de la couleur Example: >>>"j'affiche en rouge") j'affiche en rouge """ __RED = '\033[91m' __GREEN = '\033[92m' __YELLOW = '\033[93m' __LIGHT_PURPLE = '\033[94m' __PURPLE = '\033[95m' __END = '\033[0m'
[docs] @classmethod def red(cls, s): print(f"{cls.__RED}{s}{cls.__END}")
[docs] @classmethod def green(cls, s): print(f"{cls.__GREEN}{s}{cls.__END}")
[docs] @classmethod def yellow(cls, s): print(f"{cls.__YELLOW}{s}{cls.__END}")
[docs] @classmethod def lightPurple(cls, s): print(f"{cls.__LIGHT_PURPLE}{s}{cls.__END}")
[docs] @classmethod def purple(cls, s): print(f"{cls.__PURPLE}{s}{cls.__END}")
[docs]class AutoVivification(dict): """ Implementation of perl's autovivification feature. Example: >>> a = AutoVivification() >>> a[1][2][3] = 4 >>> a[1][3][3] = 5 >>> a[1][2]['test'] = 6 >>> print(a) >>> {1: {2: {'test': 6, 3: 4}, 3: {3: 5}}} """ def __getitem__(self, item): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, item) except KeyError: value = self[item] = type(self)() return value
[docs]class Directory(PosixPath): """ Class which derives from PosixPath. Checks that the string is and path to valid directory add function like list all files/dirs Example: >>> dir = Directory("./") >>> print(dir) >>> print(dir.list_files) >>> for file in dir.list_files_ext([".py"]): >>> print(file) """ def __init__(self, path_directory=None): """ Arguments: path_directory (str): a path to directory """ from pathlib import Path if not Path(path_directory).exists() or not Path(path_directory).is_dir(): raise NotADirectoryError( f'ERROR: Yoda_powers.toolbox.Directory() directory "{path_directory}" {"does not exist" if not Path(path_directory).exists() else "is not a valid directory"}') self.path_directory = Path(path_directory).resolve() self.__sep = "\n" super().__init__() @property def list_path(self): """Generator of files/directory include on folder""" return self.path_directory.glob("*") @property def list_dir(self): """Generator of directory include on folder""" return (elm for elm in self.path_directory.glob("*") if elm.is_dir()) @property def list_files(self): """Generator of files include on folder""" return (elm for elm in self.path_directory.glob("*") if elm.is_file())
[docs] def list_files_ext(self, ext=None): """Generator of files with specify extension include on folder Arguments: ext (list): a list of extension like [".py"] Yields: :class:`PosixPath`: Generator of files with specify extension include on folder """ if not isinstance(ext, list) or not ext: raise ValueError(f'ERROR: "ext" must be a list not "{ext}"') return (elm for elm in self.path_directory.glob(f"**/*") if (elm.is_file() and elm.suffix in ext))
def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__}({self.__dict__})" def __str__(self): """print format""" return f""" path_directory={self.path_directory} list_path:\n - {" - ".join([f'{}{self.__sep}' for elm in self.list_path])} list_dir:\n - {" - ".join([f'{}{self.__sep}' for elm in self.list_dir])} list_files:\n - {" - ".join([f'{}{self.__sep}' for elm in self.list_files])} """